Lolol Don't be toooo jealous. Those ducks look oddly fake! Not in the video but in the photo. Love the physical-therapy pusher. Sounds like meeee! Ha.

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I know, the ducks *are* too pretty for their own good (I’m Too Jealous) Definitely thought of you re: PT😊 🏋🏾‍♀️ 💞

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I’d love to see the picture of the excellent octopus 🐙. I promise not to be jealous 😄.

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Great about the books btw

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Good point about the practice! And yick, inchworms, ha.

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Four ice cubes only! My brain freeze challenges conflict with my need for heat relief in these hot days. Cheers to movement and all the healing rituals!

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Play as medicine and loyalty to self. YES/YES! And fwiw, I loved all the worm photos, but especially the inchworms embodying bliss on that kale.

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Back to pictures of the sidewalk 😂😍

At first I thought you meant you’d sent your friend a live worm to celebrate her new book lol! A questionable gesture, but I could get on board!

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